Screen for Afib in CABG Patients
Identify Patients with Afib:
- Collaborate with the primary physician to discuss SA as part of the surgical plan.
- Review chart history for a past Afib diagnosis, Holter monitoring, cardioversion, or catheter
ablation. - Include screening questions at referral in the surgical intake process, such as:
- Have you ever been told you have an irregular heart beat?
- Have you ever had heart palpitations?
- Have you ever taken blood thinners?
- Have you ever taken medicines to manage your heart rate?
Did you know?
Patients who are managed by a Nurse Navigator have:58
Higher satisfaction
Fewer readmissions and ED visits
Improved outcomes
Higher retention in the same system for other care needs
Reduced length of stay in the ICU
SA: Surgical Ablation
ED: Emergency Department
ICU: Intensive Care Unit